Digital Desktop Clock using Java Swing

Time they say is of the essence, so i decided to design this simple desktop clock to always remind me of the time. the unique features of this clock is it can be resize to any size, this make it easier to see from a far, it is always on top of other windows and there is no icon present at the taskbar.

Clock resize to small size

The Clock with size increased to some point
As you resize the clock size increase with the change.

The source code of the project using netbeans IDE can be clone from github at Desktop-Time at GitHub 

Below is the source code

Digital Desktop Clock using Java Swing Digital Desktop Clock using Java Swing Reviewed by Zakaria Mohammed on January 30, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. The working with the features of a digital clock requires an understanding of their basic structure. The system involves the complex settings

  2. Changing the settings allows you to optimize the size of the clock. It is convenient when viewing time at a certain distance. The project was worth the effort


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